How to Retain a Good Whistleblower Lawyer?

Whistleblower attorneys typically work on a contingency fee basis. This means that they do not charge an hourly rate as the matter is proceeding, but instead charge a percentage of any funds the client receives from the lawsuit. You need to read the proposed retainer agreement to see if this is true in your case, but many contingency arrangements provide that, under normal circumstances, you only pay the attorney if you win the case.

Lastly, read any proposed retainer carefully. Ask questions if you have them. Consider having an independent attorney review the retainer if you think doing so will help you understand the rights and obligations of both you and the lawyer. Take as much time as you need, bearing in mind however that there is an element of “haste makes waste” in many whistleblower cases. You don’t want to lose a golden opportunity because someone else files a similar case before you, the media publicizes your allegations before your case gets to the court, the statute of limitations has run, or a perfect opportunity to gather evidence is lost.

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